©JeanneMarieArt 2022
My showing up daily journey continues… and I am thrilled to be finding my way back to my practice and sparking joy in this place. It’s been good for my soul… I can’t even tell you.
Of course, some days have been logistically challenging for various reasons but mostly it has been good. I have loved being at my studio desk. I am so grateful.
My miniature framed lady came home and is so pleasing in her glorious frame. I managed to squeeze in two more blockmounts this week past. I just have one left to go, to reach my mini goal of 10. All of them piled on top of each other are so cohesive and it is rather satisfying to see them altogether. Can’t wait to see this stack finished.
©JeanneMarieArt 2022
Like everything else I have been painting hands rusty and boy getting my eye back in, in this department has been interesting but also most satisfying. Watch this space to seeing more hands in my work. I can’t wait to keep exploring this space with expressive, quirky hands.
I have also spent months purging different zones in my house. I have been clearing out at least one refuse bag a week and this has been going on all year already. If I haven’t touched it or if it has dust on it, it’s gone. I’m being ruthless. Clearing away has felt like medicine for me.
That’s when I came across my unpainted Matryoshka dolls, a project I took on years ago with Annie Hamman. She finished two exquisite sets but I never got to mine, the enormity of the job overwhelmed me with each doll getting smaller. Not sure why exactly, I clearly am a fan of miniature work.
Again, I decided if I don’t do it now, it’s going in the trash…. so this is where I am so far… For the first time I’m thinking I might actually do it.
Wish me luck.
©JeanneMarieArt 2022