©JeanneMarieArt 2022
She has travelled with me for around 18 months. She was one of my #FebruaryFaces and she was in my Clay auction last year but didn’t sell. She was a bit different from my usual style as I don’t usually do creatures.
I modified her a little bit and made her into a pendant and changed her colors and she was in another little auction but once again, didn’t sell. My MommaBear needed to stay with me a little longer. She got a total revamp when I used her in a lesson for my little class that I cancelled earlier this year. I have been clearing out my studio and purging things that I’m past and I thought… “girl if we don’t finish you today then, its to the bin you go”.
I am so glad I kept her close and allowed her little story to unfold. When I finished her last night, I understood why she had to linger a little longer with me. This version of her is so far, my favorite and I am totally in love with her thoughtful motherly gaze and her red hands… her hands are everything to me.
Thank you sweet little Momma for teaching me to value the timing of all things.
I adore you!