ComeClaywithMe - Full Workshop
CLASS - Currently Available
self-paced and downloadable
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$120.00 Full Price
lesson plan
Class lessons and sharing…
Introduction - Beautiful PaperClay, Paints and the way I work
FebruaryFaces - sharing the LOVE of this beautiful monthly project
HiddenSouls - the ones behind Masks
TheListeningOnes - I am all Ears
TheMaskedPendant - this Hanging Beauty
TheWaterBearer - The bearer of Life, Love and Wisdom
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$120.00 Full price
Supply List
As always, I like to keep our supplies list limited.
I also want to encourage you to use what you can find around you, in your home, what you can find on your daily walks in the forest or on the beach and together with that, find what’s inside of us too.
PaperClay / Airdrying clay
Claytools and Armature wire
Acrylic Paints - of your choice
Organic matter - wood from your forest / driftwood and shells from the beach
Other wooden items - Clothes pegs, cotton reels, children’s blocks, chopsticks.
Other items that could come in handy like small metal loops, metal pegs etc.
Stamps - optional and always fun
Ephemera - old papers and napkins
5 lesson plan
The Hidden Ones
the masked pendant
February faces
The Listening ones
the water bearer