Filling my creative LoveTank...

When my creative energy is low I know I have to do things to woo my creative inner child out of hiding. One of the ways I do that is with creative play dates.

That way it also helps me feel like I’m learning and so I don’t get so bored with myself or my practice.

So I started this year off taking a few classes in and around my city. I took a sun-dyeing (Cyanotype) class and a polaroid emulsion lift class and they were heavenly. The beautiful thing about these classes, is the permission it gives one to play. Isn’t it funny how we feel we need permission? Maybe it it has something to do with adulting but either way, I got to visit two exquisite buildings in our city, an old Herbert Baker building in the old silk district of town and a stunning boutique cafe which I know I’ll visit again.

Capturing elements of my garden in blue on different substrates - cotton, pebbles, Japanese washi paper and watercolor paper.

Pebble from Sedgefield with an impression of my Persian Silk tree bloom. Combining these two worlds in blue dye, priceless.

The beauty of this is that now I get to experiment at home. I have been testing different substrates and also working hard to get my chemical ratios correct. Each yield has its out outcome and with our winter sun, there are limitations. Exploring and playing is awesome and the results encouraging.

This was the most pleasing little class - I need to get some more equipment if I want to play more with this technique at home. I am definitely keen to set that up.

I can totally see how doing this will add to my creative play and works and I can’t wait to continue learning and playing. With winter now in full swing I have a Mushroom foraging class coming up…