

I am back home and back up to date with life and admin after being out of the country for close on a month. I want to slowly start unpacking my trip and sharing it here. Sorry it’s taken me so long to return to this space of sharing but trying to narrow down my trip has felt so overwhelming because how does one squash that BIG experience into such a small space.

I truly had the most incredible time. I feel I have come home completely ignited and excited to be back #inmystudio. My creative love tank filled to the brim and travel bug happy for now.

I don’t find travel logistics easy at the best of times but it felt even more challenging at this time. That being said once we got past the logistics and arrived in Italy, we could start leaning into our time away. It felt like a complete honor to be out in the world again. Of course, going back to my beloved Orvieto is always a good idea and a soft landing and so beautifully familiar. I was excited to show my dearest friend, Wendy around and I was so excited to be meeting up with old friends.

We left late Friday afternoon and arrived in Orvieto Saturday evening. Exhausted but oh so happy. Travel is always longer than you expect because you remember small details differently, like unexpected delays on platforms. We checked into our little Airbnb and it was humbly perfect. With overflowing hearts, we walked around, found beautiful Italian food and crashed. Sunday morning, we woke up super early and went in desperate search of coffee. Thankfully Montenucci’s opens at 7am…. a little gift.

After Italian coffee and pastries we went walking… and literally walked all morning… it was cool and misty and breathtakingly stunning and honestly couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to our trip. After our exploring, we did a grocery shop and stocked up for the week. That was very interesting and I love comparing apples with apples.

Wendy and I met at school when we were 15 and sometimes its hard to fathom that we have known each other all these years. She turned 50 now in August past and I am turning 50 in February coming so we decided to do this little spoil for our 50th’s. We had to do something momentous. In our 35 years of friendship we have done some trips together but never abroad and I think it was high time.

More soon…