I wish I could say the auctions have got easier on my nerves after all of these years. To me it’s never a sure thing that I know exactly how it will unfold. It always surprises and in many ways I don’t want to ever become blasé about them. They mean the world to me and those who walk with me too… please know, I am carrying the full weight of what they mean in every fibre of my being.
This auction had many new variables for me which truly heightened my stress levels. It was the first time I had done a summer auction and an all clay auction at that. The platform was new on fb and the navigation was a little different. I guess it’s good to manage one of the new variables but to have them all new was a lot so I really felt it. These are of course, never bad things, just new and stretching things on top of the full vulnerability of sharing one’s work out in the world… right. I am always stretched in new ways and I’m grateful for that and of course working with Stephanie Gagos - was magical, as always.
Thank you for a beautiful few days with all who came and supported this body of works I put together. I can’t thank you enough for walking along side me on my days and of course for acquiring pieces. As always, my heart was blown wide open. Sharing a full body of clay felt more vulnerable than normal and maybe that had to do with these pieces that included nature elements. It felt like I was sharing something deeper on some levels.
Each piece is not only made with so much love but also packaged up with equal measures of love. Each year I learn new shipping techniques and ways of making their journeys a little safer and a little more comfortable.
To my little ComeClaywithMe body of works…
You have kept me company and filled my studio with so much love and joy through the year. Thank you for holding me captive all these months and I’m so thrilled to be releasing you out into the world…. Safe travels my little darlings as you voyage onto your new homes.
Much love, always Jeanne-Marie