When we knew Kitty was heading to Florence, we asked her to pop into Zecchi’s Artshop.
In 2012 when we finally found it in Florence, I bought some special watercolors there and some treats for the girls. It was one of those special encounters in my life. Art supplies to the ceiling and the beautiful smell sensations. I had regretted not getting a little Zecchi’s fabric bag. So when I knew Corks was going to be in Florence in 2014, I encouraged her to find the cutest little artshop in the world and to bring me home my fabric bag :-). She struggled to find “my” little shop and told me that when she did eventually find it that it was closed. When she got home, she surprised me with her picture standing outside Zecchi’s and my fabric bag. Two years apart and we had both stood in the same place, that moved me deeply.
We asked Kitty if she would consider doing the same gesture… to carry on traditions and all but she said she couldn’t promise us that. I didn’t put her under pressure.
While she was away she said she had my gift for me and asked if I wanted to know what it was. I said if she felt she wanted to share it with me early, that I would be open to listening. Then in the next minute, her image came through of her standing outside Zecchi. Corks and I erupted and fell in an absolute heap, once again so deeply moved and a little tearful.
Kitty was studying her map to find it when her Principal asked her where she was going, so she told him the story how I had been there, so had Corks and that she had to find her way there. He told her to lead the way and they would all go with her. She ended up leading the whole art group to Zecchi’s to get her picture for me and then all agreed to have their picture taken for me.
I was totally in tears.
The best part for me was how deeply moved Caitlyn was about finding the spot where we had both stood before and capturing her moment. It hit her square in the chest. How unexpectedly connected she felt to us and that place and how important it became to her too. Each of our journeys so unique to each of us but so equally touching and so important. I know being in Italy really affect her deeply. I had a feeling it would, as it did Corks. She carried me with her every step and I was with her in heart. I love that about us, all of us.
What I didn’t know in 2012, when I took my first trip to Italy when I fell head over heels in love with her, that firstly, I would be back. Somewhere inside of me I knew I wanted to take my peeps there one day. I went back again in 2014 when I included Florence and Venice to my travels and in 2017, I took Digby back with me and we toured new areas together. I couldn’t personally take my girls but they have now each had their own turn to discover beautiful Italy with their art school studies.
My heart is so blown away by this. What started out as a small dream of mine to take my whole family one day, has now actually come true. None of us can say these words… “I’ve never been to Venice”. That has been a long time family joke of ours from when the girls were small and it has tickled us all pink.
I head back to beautiful Italy in less than 2 months and I will find myself standing outside “our” precious Zecchi Artshop for my 2nd photo… standing where both my two girls have now stood too and I simply can’t wait.