A little Stitch in Time...

I worked out this week that I haven’t done any filming for 8 months. I literally couldn’t bring myself to do anymore. Now looking back, I think I might have over done some things. My camera is set up above my table and over my creative space and I had worked out literal parameters to work within. For a while I felt so hemmed in and bound by my “shooting square” and I was feeling like I needed to break out of that tiny zone. Even if it was self imposed and self inflicted.


Surprisingly the break did me good. Changing my studio and the way I work and stand has been ergonomically good for my body but also my soul. Setting up my new studio space with my camera rig, this week past has felt refreshing and filming my mini lesson for PYHAS was a pure delight. I’m so grateful for the break and I’m feeling so inspired to turn my little camera back on, even if it’s just slowly and in small “byte” sizes. I want to be careful not to overdo it.


If you haven’t already, it is still not too late to sign up for PYHAS, see my button below and if you are already signed up, I hope you love my mini lesson. I had so much joy putting this together for you.

Thank you Olga Furman and PYHAS for having me on your platform this year.