I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet here but I’ve literally been stunned into silence after my trip.
It was so BIG and I am once again feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. I don’t know how to find the words to express all it meant to me and the sheer volume of photographs, so overwhelming that I am really not sure how to narrow it down. I don’t want to make the experience small and I so badly want to share it all with you in a way that makes sense too.
I’ve been back just over two weeks now, I think. And I have a lot coming at me in terms of things happening in life…
PYHAS 2019 - Mini Lesson is Live
On Wednesday, my mini lesson for PYHAS2019 went live, I hope you find your way there and keep me posted how you go. If you haven’t signed up for PYHAS2019, you can still. I hope you enjoy my mini lesson, I loved putting it together for you!
Have fun!
Last night I had a clay class which I was trying to do before I left for Italy. I had completely forgotten I had rescheduled to do it when I got back. Even though it has crept up on me, it’s always a good evening. Honestly, the last time I did this class was when I made all those gorgeous plates as gifts for my hosts when I went to America and I was long overdue a ClayDate.
I am so excited to mention that my Solo Auction page is up and running and my auction days are coming at me fast. I have a little left to do to get ready but I am happy to say, I’m quite prepared this year. I have a variety of different kind of pieces from small to big, stitching to drawings and paintings, even a few fabric bags. I feel there is something for everyone and I’m hoping very attainable… I am always mindful of this. I worked strategically with this in mind this year. So I really hope you will come along and join me and Stephanie Gagos as we prep for the days ahead. Please click on the button to join the auction and be sure to press on “going”. Look forward this time with you!
Painting, Painting, Painting
I have come home just wanting to paint which is a good feeling to come home with. Before I left for Italy I started working everyday in studio again. I was working hard to show up especially after my Stitching class went live. Of course, in Italy everyday was dedicated to creating and touring around art. It was such a spoil to spend my days this way and with likeminded friends. My creative love tank was filled to the brim. I wanted to come home and continue creating this way. My first week back was really good but this week was more challenging, work and life is real. My work days have increased and I’ve been prepping for my auction. I have a creative block weekend coming up and I literally can’t wait. I was so happy to finish this piece. I started her in Italy, not at this place… but she just kept evolving and her story kept unfolding and I absolutely love where we ended together.
Mother of the Mourning Doves… 10”x12” on Linen Canvas Board
This week I also started another class at the Practical School of Philosophy and I’m really loving this bit of time I’ve been applying to expanding my mind and heart a bit.
Now that my images have been safely downloaded to my Mac, I can start letting the story unfold as I unpack the treasures of each moment while I traveled and I hope to share with you as moments come up for me. Here is wishing you all a beautifully quiet, creative and gentle weekend.
Much love, always Jeanne-Marie