Burnt Offerings...


I'm finally showing up for Portraits, Your Art, Your Way, a class I signed up for last year with Gillan Lee Smith, but never got there.  I am loving having the space to breath and get back into deep learning.  This lesson was to draw expressively with charcoal for 5 minute and then continue on for another 20 minutes, just using a putty eraser with your charcoal.  I was resistant at first but the more I got into it the easier it got and for now I'm just playing, practicing and experimenting.

Gillian's class is 4 weeks, I might stretch it out because I am currently on week 6 of the Artist Way and it has been deep and challenging and I am also in Gillian's Mentoring Group for the next six months and the we are working deep and lots.  So my heart and head and hands are full.

And I'm happy!