It's been a good week and there was so much to find and be grateful for. I received mail 3 times this past week and I am thrilled to see some things coming through at last. Some things as far back as October 2017. I received this incredible print for Carole Shoaf, a new friend I got to meet in North Carolina last year. I also received incredible packages from Robin Laws and Jane Halsey last week. I'm so grateful for the love and generosity. Truly.
Although I'm back at work work and have to deal with the mundane of traffic some days, I still found goodness along the way. I am not sure who put this love up in random places but I do approve.
Day22 - HappyMail thank you Carole
Day23 - Finding love in strange places
Day24 - GraphiteLove
Day25 - HappyMail thank you Robin
Day27 - Newlands Forest, walking again
Day28 - First painting of the year
The highlight of my week was taking my first walk with Digby in our beautiful forest for the first time in almost a year. It is the first time he's been able to do any kind of walking / hiking since his accident without crutches or his boot. It was a good day.
It made me realise how much we had been missing the past while and how grateful I am for the simple pleasures of walking.
Day26 - HibiscusLove, my other favourite flowering tree
I am loving seeking and finding beautiful along the way.
Love, Jeanne-Marie