My Solo Auction page is up...

Nothing quite prepares my heart of auction.  It's 100% putting your heart and art out there.  It's exposing and vulnerable.  I wish I could say I find it easy but I really don't.  Most times I just want to hide behind the time zone differences and say wake me up when it's over.  That's a true story.

My greatest fear is no one will come or bid.  I create backdoors for myself to make sure I'll be okay so that my artist-self won't be wounded.  I know it's how it is for all of us who willingly choose to do this.  This is risky business stuff and it takes courage.

Even if it's just for 48 hours.

That being said I'm soooo grateful to be here and doing this with you.  I'm so grateful for the heart expansion that happens when I push myself to be this vulnerable and this exposed.  I know it is good for me otherwise I might hide forever.


Facebook Auction Page - HERE

Digby has a motto and we challenge ourselves to live that way ... "great things happen when you step out of the door".  Keeping up with a guy who lives like that has made for beautiful memories for us as a family.  Living life intentionally is a beautiful thing and I’ve bought into that wholeheartedly. 

And I do know that although sometimes I have upper limit issues, (you know... when I say "yes" but my body means "no").  I do know that it's always my heart to live fully engaged even in the scary moments... thank you for holding my hand through yet another adventure.

I am excited,  I am humbled and I am here!

Much love, Jeannie