Tomorrow my auction goes live...
There were moments, I thought I would never get there. It's been a massive year and I was nervous I wouldn't finish on time but I'm beyond excited. I've been working steadily all year and have been packing pieces away especially for tomorrow. I committed to Stephanie and this auction a year ago. I had to plan carefully because I knew I had my TinyBagsofLove Exhibition and Auction and I knew I would be traveling this year. Never mind the month I lost while I was caring for Digz after his accident.
My prep work was imperative.
I have 30 pieces of varying sizes, 1 journal, 4 SoulBearers and 10-20 TeaBagGirls. There will literally be something for everyone - which is very important to me. I'm feeling so proud and equally humbled by this body of works. I'm getting more comfortable with being able to put a body of works together. I used to believe I couldn't do it. So each time I've done it, I am a little surprised. There is cohesiveness when I see them altogether. I know the days of auction are intense but I'll be 100% here with you! And I can't thank you enough for being there for me too.
Thank you for all the love and messages already. I'm beyond touched.
Looking forward to tomorrow but for tonight, I'm going gently.
See you on the other side of tomorrow.
Much Love