the Art of Making your own PaperClay


  • 1 cup toilet paper (SinglePly) (24 grams dry, 110 grams wet)

  • 1 cup of premix joint component (250ml)

  • 3/4 cup Cold Glue (white school / craft glue)

  • 2 tablespoons mineral oil (or use linseed oil or any vegetable oil)

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (70 grams) to start

  • 2 mixing bowls, sieve

  • electric beater and scale

homemade PaperClay

24gms of single play

24gms of single play

Soak in warm water to loosen

Soak in warm water to loosen

Let the water drain out

Let the water drain out

Gently squeeze out the water

Gently squeeze out the water

110gms wet palp

110gms wet palp

Add the rest and mix well

Add the rest and mix well



Wrap airtight

Wrap airtight


After you have blended your ingredients together, it may be very sticky.

Place your sticky mass on a floured work surface and knead it as you would bread dough.  Keep sprinkling flour into your dough and work surface, until it is no longer sticky.  Knead it until it is at a consistency that feels good to sculpt with.

I have been testing different recipes and I think I like this one the most together with combining elements I've been learning from each recipe.  My first attempt was beautiful to the touch but I couldn't sculpt with it at all.  It felt more like bread dough than PaperClay.

I found this recipe on Wikihow using a premix joint component as opposed to a dry mix which just seemed to work much better as it feels more like PaperClay.

I was so in love with PaperClay so I wanted to see if I could make it myself... and I loved learning how. 



Please keep a look out on my workshop page as I will be updating that constantly on the go as new work presents itself.