About me

Hi…I’m Jeanne-Marie and I have been on a creative and mindful journey for the past 13 odd years. It is one I am embracing every day.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me. It is an absolute honor to share this sacred part of my life with you.


featured work

In 2017, I held my first Creative Portraiture Solo Exhibition on Recycled Rooibos TeaBags in Woodstock, Cape Town, which was later published and featured in the Slow and Premier Magazine and Elle Decorate.

Offered Workshops & Retreats

Ready to take the next step?
Join one of my workshops to explore and start your creative play.


the soulbearers


As an artist, I am a painter and sculptor.

Working with paper clay is a big part of my creative practice. Together with painting and yoga, I have a dedicated clay practice too. I have been working with PaperClay since 2016 and it’s been a journey and love that continues to grow and mature as I continue to work with this medium. My work is infused with nature and organic elements that I find on walks from different places around the world.

Always nature inspired… these beautiful souls continue to show up and visit with me as I find their unique stories in the clay.

art pouches

art pouches

For years now I have been using my original artworks to create slingbags for art and yoga and creative art pouches to be used for various things. They have been a firm favorite.

Keep watching my shop for new updated pouches.

the sound of music


The gift of music

Not only does music release dopamine in the brain, some experts say that melancholic music also releases a hormone called prolactin, which is specifically tied to alleviating grief.